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<span style="font-family: Arial, Helvetica; font-size: 18px;">Your November home checklist</span>


With Christmas on the horizon and a chilly winter around the corner, there are many things to look forward to (and prepare for) at this time of year. To get your home ready in time for winter’s festivities and inclement weather, now is the perfect time to start preparing.


Replace floor protectors on chairs


Particularly if your home has hardwood floors, the influx of guests brought in by the festive season could result in your dining chairs scraping and scratching your flooring. Check their feet, and add or replace floor-protecting pads if necessary.


Check paths, stairs and railings for safety


As icy mornings set in, your pathways will become more slippery, and could lead to risk if the footing is uneven or a railing isn’t sturdy. Be sure to inspect the outside of your home, paying special attention to walkways, stairs, and railings, and make repairs where needed, before the evenings grow even darker and the temperatures drop.


Welcome nature into your garden


Although hibernation season is upon us, there are still some critters and feathered friends who could use extra help when wild food becomes scarce and water sources freeze. Create a safe spot for nonmigrating birds, by keeping your feeders full and replenishing any water sources in your garden daily. You could also consider adding a bug hotel in your garden, so our pollinators and their friends have somewhere warm and dry to rest.


Get a head start on Christmas prep


If you plan on hosting around the Christmas period, it’s a good idea to take some time now and prepare a few things in advance. Polish your special occasion silverware and favourite plates, clean and iron the fancy linens and tablecloths, and plan out your dining table décor – you’ll thank yourself later.


Deep-clean the bathroom


Aim to schedule a deep clean of the bathroom and guest toilet, so that a quick surface wipe-down will be all you’ll need to get things looking spotless again during the festive season.


Cover any gaps


Minor misalignments of windows and doors, or cracks in the walls may not seem like much of an issue, but your home could lose a considerable amount of heat, and rainwater has a better chance of entering. Check your home for any gaps and cracks and make sure they’re sealed – whether it’s through DIY or investing in a tradesperson.


Remove the last of the autumn leaves


Aim to fit in a gutter-cleaning session once the last leaves have fallen — but before the first fall of snow.


Fix plumbing issues before waiting times skyrocket 


If you’re experiencing problems with your plumbing, don’t wait until the busy festive season, when it may be more difficult to find an available plumber. You’ll avoid a Christmas without running water if you fix it now, before the issue worsens over winter.


Bring bulbs indoors


Potted bulbs make a lovely, thoughtful gift, and if you’re potting them for yourself, it’s easy enough to make a bunch to give away throughout the holiday season.


Stock up for winter


Dark, icy, and snowy mornings are hardly the ideal time for last minute trips to the shop for essentials. Taking the time now to stock up on winter gear and supplies will ensure less stress when the weather is not all that desirable.

  • Check scrapers and de-icers; replace as needed
  • If you use a fireplace or wood stove, order extra firewood
  • Stock up on pet and plant safe ice melt
  • Replenish emergency kits for car and home

If you’re considering selling in November, we can help you. Book a valuation today.

<span style="font-family: Arial, Helvetica; font-size: 18px;">What are millennials looking for in a property?</span>


Every decade brings along a new wave of first-time buyers, and this time around, millennials are on the market. To help you draw in this new pool of potential buyers, we’ve found the top features that most millennials will seek out in their ideal homes…


Sustainable and eco-friendly


Most modern buyers will be deterred by poor energy efficiency, as the impact it has on the environment (and monthly bills) is becoming a notoriously unattractive factor. Millennials want to reduce their carbon footprints as much as possible in their homes – from air source heat pumps to solar panels – even if this means pushing out the budget a little further. Homes that offer energy saving solutions are hot on the market for younger buyers and will become increasingly more valuable over time.


Good value for money


Millennials will want to know that their bills are being kept to a minimal while also having a home that caters to their every needs. These types of buyers will be new to the house buying process and might still be finding their financial feet, so being careful with money and making responsible choices is key. Often, they are also savvy about the schemes that are available to help them onto the ladder, and switched-on about which properties will cost more to run.


Visual appeal


Even while the market experiences unprecedented levels of short supply, millennial buyers are known for being selective about properties based on their appearance. They’re also drawn to visuals, and many will expect video tours to be available on the listings they browse, before committing to a booking. The information provided on the listing should also be as thorough as possible, as millennials like to know all the ins-and-outs of a property before attending a viewing. They will also undoubtedly read reviews online beforehand.




Millennials will prefer to be in the heart of a great location, surrounded by a good community and local amenities for convenience. With many young buyers on the market being remote workers, location has become more important than ever before. The working from home buyer will seek out a quiet, scenic spot, with enough local shops and footpaths close by to fill up the lunch hour. While a commuting buyer will want a spot right in the city, with good commuter links and plenty of amenities available for the morning rush.




After years of apartment living, millennial buyers will be highly attracted to a house which offers good storage space. Laundry rooms and pantries may also be important to these buyers, and they are likely to be attracted to a ‘ready-to-go’ home complete with all appliances, if it comes within budget.


Do you have a property that ticks all of these boxes? We could have a buyer waiting for you. Get in touch with us today to discuss the local demand for properties like yours.

<span style="font-family: Arial, Helvetica; font-size: 18px;">One in three properties receive an offer one hour after viewing</span>


The housing market once again exceeds expectations after a poor reception from the chancellor’s mini-budget and regular talk of a possible slowdown, as current research suggests that in 2022, almost a third (31%) of properties are now receiving offers within an hour, compared to a mere 7% in 2018.


Over a five-year period, almost one in five (17%) properties received an offer within one hour of a viewing. An even more notable 7% of buyers made an offer on a property without attending an in-person viewing, according to data from MPowered Mortgages.


The data also outlined that properties receiving an offer in a day is up over the same period, rising from 26% in 2018, to almost half (48%) by 2022. Around 12% of homes have received an offer without a viewing this year, which could be a result of social norms shifting in light of the COVID-19 pandemic, where remote/virtual viewings became the new normal. The data showed a substantial jump in buying without viewing, up from 7% in 2018.


Strong demand and competitive buyers


To find out more about current buying behaviour, the fintech mortgage lender has launched a House Pace Index, driven by market conditions, government intervention within the property market, and consumer behaviour of wanting to ‘buy now’.


The research revealed that 38% of properties that have been placed on the market in the last five years received an offer within the same day of a viewing, with only 14% securing an offer after a second viewing.


The data also suggests that the younger generation are most prepared out of all age groups to take a more eager approach, with 18–34-year-olds acknowledged as most likely to adopt this mindset towards house buying. Some admitted to making an offer before seeing a property, in comparison to just 5% of 35–54-year-olds.


The average age of a first-time-buyer in the UK currently sits at 34, which is why this age group being quick to act could be pinned down to a lack of experience, coupled with fewer mortgage deals available on the market, the study suggested.


Tunnel vision


The data from Mpowered Mortgages also showed that, before making a first offer, buyers are seeing an average of three properties, while 40% of buyers only view two properties before deciding to make an offer on the home they set their sights on.


Pressure on buyers resulting in quick offers


The market is thriving with historical rates of activity as buyers race to secure their ideal property in the midst of a chronic imbalance between supply and demand. The current market climate and data findings show that offers are being made extremely quickly, despite common belief that a ‘slow-down’ is on the horizon.


Stuart Cheetham, CEO at MPowered Mortgages, commented:


“The race to find a home can be a daunting prospect even more so now in an environment where mortgage rates are rising as part of the cost of living. Of the many hurdles a homebuyer faces, one element that can be largely controlled is the certainty of their mortgage and this will be even more important as rates continue to rise.” 


Considering selling? Take advantage of the buoyant market and get in touch with us today to book your valuation.